The Amazing Race season 31 finale preview: Who’s set up to win?
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One of the things that we’ve long appreciated about Amazing Race legs at the end of the season is simply this — the variety of it all. These are opportunities to see a lot of physical and mental tasks mixed together in an effort to see what team really is the most well-rounded. It’s not just about how strong you are. Instead, it’s about how closely you paid attention to every little thing along the way.
So out of the remaining four teams, who is the favorite to win? We probably will go with Tyler & Korey just because of how well they’ve done in the majority of the legs as of late but really, it’s a two-team race between them and Colin & Christie. They’ve been by far the better teams for the majority of the season — we’ve just seen too many scattered mistakes from Nicole & Victor and then also Leo & Jamal to believe in either one of them as favorites. Both teams could still win, though, mostly because they are strong and they’ve had moments where it seems like they’re really capable of pulling something out.
If Leo & Jamal do get eliminated in fourth place again, it’s going to be pretty terrible for them — they always seem to go out in fourth place!
Where are the teams going to do?
Well, we know that we’re going to be visiting some densely-populated areas, there are going to be some water-related activities, and it seems as though this is going to be one of the more physical finishes that we’ve seen. No matter who wins, they’re certainly going to deserve it. This has been one of the more grueling seasons of the show there’s been and we know that there are a lot of things that have been thrown at them.
No matter who ends up winning the season, it feels clear that there’s a lot that they are going to have to be proud of.
Interested in some other information when it comes to The Amazing Race?
Then be sure to head on over to the link here! That’s where you can get some other news when it comes to tonight’s new episode.
What do you think is going to happen on The Amazing Race season 31 from here? Be sure to share right now in the comments. We’ll have more news coming up soon! (Photo: CBS.)