Elementary season 7 episode 4 spoilers: Jonny Lee Miller directs!


Elementary season 7 episode 4 is going to be heading over to CBS on Thursday, June 13, and this one is notable from the jump. Why? That’s just what happens when you get Jonny Lee Miller into the director’s chair! This is a guy who has a real knack for creating things in a myriad of different ways, and we absolutely expect something similar to come through within this particular episode both in front and behind the camera.

For some more news when it comes to Elementary right now in video form, check out our take on what we’ve got below! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more, and take a look at our series playlist!

So where are we going to see Sherlock Holmes within this episode? A lot of it may stem from some of the stories that we’ve heard about this season already, whether it be Sherlock being kept out of America or what happened with Captain Gregson and the shooting. These are the sort of things that are going to drive a lot of what’s coming — we know that we’re going to be seeing Sherlock do everything that he can to find his way to help the investigation, even if he’s not front and center for it.

Below, CarterMatt offers up the official Elementary season 7 episode 4 synopsis with some more information what’s coming:

“Red Light, Green Light” – An explosion at a traffic stop puts Holmes and Watson on two separate tracks of investigation as they try to determine whether the attack was gang-related or a terrorist attack. Also, Holmes and Watson suspect there is more for them to discover regarding the recent attack on someone within their inner circle, on ELEMENTARY, Thursday, June 13 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Jonny Lee Miller directed the episode.

This episode will serve as a great way to figure out how to push Sherlock and Watson deeper into the rabbit hole as they search for answers on Gregson, but beyond just that, it’s also going to feature them taking on a different sort of case of the week that could have widespread implications. Consider this your evidence that while there may be a little more of an obvious long-term story this season, Elementary is also not going to shy away from some of the fun, episodic stuff as well. They’re going to do whatever they can in order to bring you as much variety as possible — that’s long been essential for a mystery show, but even more so for one that wants to leave a lasting imprint.

Think about things this way — Elementary wants to put a final stamp on its global audience that this is as awesome a show as you’re going to find.

If you do want more information all about Elementary…

Remember to visit the link here right now! After all, that’s where you can get some episode teasers and some more scoop.

What do you think about Elementary season 7 episode 4 based on the surface-level descriptions we’ve got for it? Be sure to share right now in the comments. (Photo: CBS.)

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