Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Did the Pretty Boys win again? (day 44)
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Last night, the Veto Competition was played and it was Adam who ended up emerging as the victor! Great for Adam, who continues to be one of the best competition performers that we’ve seen in years on this show. Yet, what’s great for Adam isn’t exactly great for the whole house or viewers at home. It’s hard to deny the fact that the Pretty Boys are playing an exemplary game, and we do think that there are even some staunch haters of the alliance starting to come around to that idea. The problem is that the alliance’s strength does not necessarily make any of them likable, and the utter lack of resistance makes you wonder another key question here — are the Pretty Boys really that good, or are some of the other players really just bad?
Think about where things are at the moment. Sam got snowed into making half-hearted nominations that led to Kiera leaving the game. Meanwhile, Cory allowed Anthony to control her Head of Household and initially, Mark was going to nominate her this week, continuing the trend of female HoHs getting voted out the following cycle. So many of these non-Pretty Boys players have struggled to wake up and smell the coffee — it may just because the guys have done a great job of fleecing them and building good social bonds. It’s really a road map to how to play this game — if you can have a committed central alliance and then fantastic side deals, you can make the house feel like there’s more flux in the game than there really is.
This morning, we’re here to give some credit to one particular player in Anthony, who may be extremely cocky but is continuing to show himself as the best overall player this season. After spending the past twelve or so hours protesting the idea of Cory being a replacement nominee, it seems like Mark is now going to nominate Estefania alongside Damien, who was already on the block. In doing this, Damien will leave the game. Losing him is a blow to everyone who wanted to see Damien be the likable underdog, and we get it — Damien seems like a super-nice guy and is the sort of person you’d want to hang out with outside the game. Unfortunately, as an actual game-player he’s been largely a miss and hasn’t really don’t much to justify his popular other than being a nice guy who isn’t in the Pretty Boys.
At this point, who do you root for other than the dominant alliance? Maybe you just root for a time machine where you can go back and see this season play out in a different way.
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What do you think about the winner of the Power of Veto within the Big Brother Canada house? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and check back soon for some other insight. (Photo: Global.)