Big Brother Canada eviction: Is Samantha Picco first jury member?
To go along with this new eviction, we’ve also got a new Head of Household to properly account for. Basically, there’s a lot happening in the game tonight and we’re excited to dive into a lot of it! We’ll have more updates throughout, so we highly suggest that you refresh the page for more.
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Going into the eviction show tonight, it was pretty clear that Samantha Picco was in trouble — big trouble. With the Pretty Boys in control of the house, and with most of them wanting Sam gone, we just didn’t see a path for her staying for most of the week. We watched a lot of Sam’s campaigning in the game tonight, but most of it didn’t amount to anything. We give her a lot of credit for at least trying to make some arguments about her being a huge shield to Mark and Cory … and it’s still nice to see that Mark is ready to make some sort of move on the Pretty Boys.
It’s time for the vote…
After a Q&A session from Arisa Cox that seemed to be an attempt to try and blow up the game, we then finally got the announcement that jury is coming. Sam’s speech was interesting mostly in that she went at Cory pretty hard and seemed to skewer Mark for doing nothing. Sam was voted out, and we don’t know how anyone can be that shocked about that even if you haven’t had a chance to see the feeds. Adam was the sole vote to keep her, which did get him some applause from viewers at home.
Of course, we had a TON of Sam/Adam content within this episode and we can’t be 100% shocked. Big Brother as a franchise does love its showmances and because of that, they’re going to milk this. We really hope that Sam was paying attention during the goodbye messages, given that all of the Pretty Boys gave her the same signal, including Adam. Interestingly, though, none of them actually said the alliance by name … not that they really had to. They know that she got the message. (The funniest part in all of this was seeing just how delusional Cory was in talking about hos strong her and her allies are when, in reality, she really doesn’t have any allies.)
For some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada…
Remember to visit the link here right now! Also, let us know some of your thoughts about tonight’s eviction show in the comments. (Photo: Global.)