Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: The Veto Ceremony + Blood Veto mystery
What we know is that Adam didn’t use the Veto at the Veto Ceremony — meaning that he’s super-confident that Mark has the votes to stay over Kiera. Of course, none of that may really even be necessary. While the feeds were down, the houseguests were given potentially some information on the Blood Veto, which makes them think that it could come into play this week. Yet, they don’t quite know exactly what sort of role it’s going to have.
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The speculation in the house is running rampant already — take for example, whether or not Kyra has a chance to both remove someone from the block and name a replacement nominee. If they do , is Adam going to be eligible, even with him winning the regular Power of Veto? The right move for them to make, at least from the outside looking in, is to remove Kiera and then nominate Dane, ensuring that one of the guys actually ends up going home. Regardless of whether or not Dane goes home (he’d have the support of Adam, Anthony, and probably Estefania), at least one member of the Pretty Boys is out … even if it ironically is the one who is the most on the fence about teaming up with them in the long-term. A Dane vs. Mark battle could really come down to Kiera, since she, Kyra, Damien, and Cory are the four votes who could possibly remove him from the game.
We don’t think that the paranoia about the Blood Veto is going to simmer anytime soon … and even if Kyra does end up playing it, there is no guarantee that they’re going to use it the way in which people like. This has not been the best season in terms of people making compelling decisions and, unfortunately, we don’t quite see that changing unless Kyra’s been keeping some of their thoughts and schemes on the inside for most of the game. While they haven’t always been the best or most-entertaining player, they’re really one of the only hopes that we all have for a pretty-dramatic shakeup; seeing Kiera get a bed, as voted on by Canada, isn’t the sort of shake-up we had in mind.
Because of the Blood Veto situation, we don’t see plans or campaigns changing all that much in the weeks ahead — but, once we have more information we’ll be sure to report on it here.
For some other news on Big Brother Canada, including the latest from the live feeds…
Be sure to visit the link here! Meanwhile, let us know what you want to see Kyra do with their Blood Veto in the comments. (Photo: Global.)