The Blacklist season 6 episode 13 video: Reddington’s new heist

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Clearly, a stint behind bars on The Blacklist is not causing one Raymond Reddington to change his ways. Instead, this character is being as devious and committed to his criminal cause as ever — and we’ve got a sneak peek below that is really all about it!

In the video (courtesy of Entertainment Weekly), you can see a good sense of what we’re talking about here, mostly in that Reddington is trying to plan out his next great heist with the assistance of none other than Robert Vesco (Stacy Keach), an old mentor of his and a one-time criminal mastermind. Based on what we’re seeing here, though, Vesco isn’t the same guy who he once was. Times and circumstances have clearly changed for him and he’s now in a position where he seems a little bit down-and-out in the whole business of criminal operations. It takes a little bit of coaxing from Reddington for him to even get his head in the game — and we suppose that there is a vast amount of irony in this given that by the end of the episode, we wouldn’t be shocked if Raymond ends up taking advantage of the guy and completely screwing him over. If Reddington’s going to be a free man, he may as well be free in every sense of the word — including free to make someone else’s life totally miserable.

For some more Blacklist previews and discussion… Check out some of the latest below! At the bottom of this discussion, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more.

One of the things that’s the most impressive about this sneak peek overall is seeing the true scope of Reddington’s operation — even though the guy only got out of jail a week ago (at least in our timeline), he’s already acting as though he’s been hanging out on the outside forever. He’s basically got a who’s who of criminals working for him including Glen, Dembe, and now even Vontae following his release from prison — this is something that Reddington wanted as a condition of his release, and we’re getting an even better sense now of why there are so many people with blind loyalty to him. Think about it — he’s almost the Pied Piper of lesser-known criminals. He’s doing whatever he can to bring on board people who feel disadvantaged and neglected from other people, and he gives them a spot where they feel a little more at home. With Vontae, the dude even owes Reddington his freedom! There’s no reason for him to turn his back on him anytime soon, though it’s 120% possible that he and some of Reddington’s other cronies are going to be forced to do some less-than-desirable jobs here and there.

After watching this sneak peek, are you more excited than ever for The Blacklist to return? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. (Photo: NBC.)

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