Big Brother Canada 7 live feed spoilers: Week 4 Veto winner!
For the first time this season Cory ended up coming out on top in a competition, which means that she’s got power when really, she doesn’t need power. She was competing against the nominees Chelsea and Kyra and then also Mark and Sam, who were chosen. Cory, along with Mark, really had no business winning this since it causes them to declare a stance in the house — if they just let someone else do it, then they don’t have to do much of anything and can go back to taking a collective nap in the game. We think this win mostly equals Cory trying to prove herself in the game when in reality, she didn’t have to actually do anything right now. If she wanted to have some element of power, she could’ve just won the next Head of Household.
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Now, she finds herself in a precarious spot. If she uses the Veto on either Chelsea or Kyra, then that means that Sam likely goes up as a replacement. If she wants to be in the contingent of people interested in getting Sam out, our suggestion is that she uses it on Kyra, ensuring that either Chelsea or Sam goes this week. Given that Kyra isn’t a threat in anything, eliminating them is almost a waste of a Head of Household reign.
Meanwhile, there’s a big incentive for Cory to not use it so that nobody’s feathers are ruffled. Head of Household Dane could have some sort of say in this and we know that Cory and him are going to have a conversation on this subject really soon.
The larger question
When are people going to start to be really threatened by the Pretty Boys? While not everyone knows about its existence for sure, Kyra seems to strongly suggest it and both Kiera and Estefania have both talked about it enough that they recognize the chances of it existing. The lack of forward movement towards this happening is frustrating since they need to be chipped away soo if anyone has a real shot. Otherwise, you may get a situation like Big Brother 12 where one of them is taken out early and then the others all run their way to the end. Despite a little bit of drama, nobody seems to be firmly committed to the idea of turning on anyone else.
What do you want to see happen in the game as we move forward this weekend?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Of course, check back soon for some additional insight in regards to the game. (Photo: Global.)