Celebrity Big Brother 2 live feed spoilers: Advantage paranoia

Celebrity Big Brother season 2

Last night, Celebrity Big Brother officially announced their Power of the Publicist advantage, which was going to give a contestant the ability to declare themselves safe at either an upcoming nomination or Veto Ceremony for the next couple of weeks. It’s an important twist, especially for a reasonably short season like this where getting just one single power can further along your game in a big way.

New Celebrity Big Brother video – Check out some other live feed spoilers at the bottom of this article! Meanwhile, remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube so you don’t miss out on any of our daily live feed updates and check out Celebrity Big Brother playlist.

So, who actually got it? At the time of it closing earlier today, many internet suggestions had us leaning towards it being Tamar Braxton, though there was a contingent of people voting for Tom Green and there was even a contingent voting for Joey Lawrence. Typically, with twists like these, you end up seeing people side with the underdogs so that there are a wide array of people who all have a chance of getting it and moving forward.

Unfortunately, nobody is openly talking in the house and that does suggest that it could be Tamar — we feel like if it was one of the players in the Team Fun alliance (Ricky, Lolo, Natalie, Tom, and Kato), they would be open about it. Otherwise, there’s not enough trust there for them to spread the word. We should note that the players know about an advantage, but not necessarily what it does or who actually has it.

As of this writing, Tom is still debating who to nominate as Head of Household — he’s thought about Kandi Burruss and Tamar, and he’s also thought about Kandi and Joey. He also does feel as though Ricky is shifting and is considering him as a possible backdoor target, just in case he wants to make some sort of big move. We should note that Lolo and Natalie are committed with going with the guys for now, but they are aware that they are competitive threats and may target one or both if given the opportunity.

We’ll see what happens a little bit later today … if the nomination ceremony happens. If Tamar/whoever has it is nervous, they could opt to play it at that particular point in time.

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What do you think about this choice for the advantage on Celebrity Big Brother 2? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and stay tuned to get some other news on the show soon. (Photo: CBS.)

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