The Bachelor episode 5 spoilers: Will Colton be Heather’s first kiss?

The Bachelor

So what’s going to be coming up on The Bachelor episode 5 when the show airs next week? Well, it’s a given there will be more drama.

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As for where said drama will come from, that’s the thing really worth wondering at the moment. Is it coming via Elyse of all people? It does look, based on some of the information in the promo tonight, that something significant is going to happen involving her. It’s not entirely clear what that problem is going to be, but if we are going to believe the show’s editing (which can be deceptive), Colton may opt to storm out towards the ocean at the end of the conflict.

As for romance, we do think that there is going to be that courtesy of Heather. Is Colton now her first kiss? She claims that she’s ready for it and that she’d like for him to be the one. That, of course, gives this episode some instant drama and something that is going to be worth talking about for some time moving forward.

In the end, we do think that this episode of The Bachelor will need to really bring and then some. What is interesting is where things are going to go with some drama already over and done with. Take, for example, the feud with Caelynn and Hannah B. — they’ve already talked things out, and it does seem as though Hannah is ready to move on and try to focus on some other things for a little while. Meanwhile, you’re also going to have a chance to see some other romantic confessions and possibly more Demi causing trouble … even if we didn’t see all of it here. Demi’s an interesting villain — she acts nice around the women sometimes and then is completely brutal in some of the confessionals.

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What do you want to see when it comes to The Bachelor episode 5 as a whole? Be sure to share right now in the comments, and be sure to stay tuned for more updates — we’ll have to see just where the story goes this year. (Photo: ABC.)

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