Last Man Standing season 7 episode 12 video: New ‘Cabin Pressure’ footage

Last Man Standing

While Last Man Standing season 7 episode 12 may not premiere until February 1, you don’t have to wait to see a promo!

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If you look to the bottom of this article, you can see a preview that gives you at least a small sense of what’s coming in “Cabin Pressure” — at least from the vantage point of watching some characters disconnect a little bit from their phones and social media. This is something that Mike Baxter wants so that the family can enjoy a trip up to the cabin together … but we do imagine that it’s going to be a little bit more difficult than he thinks it will be on the surface. His daughters are pretty strong-willed, and we also feel like the longer you’re addicted to using your phone, the more difficult it us. (We know that for us personally, we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves in the event we were completely cut off from a computer for longer than a few hours at one time.)

The best part of this promo is, undoubtedly, seeing Mandy’s reaction to the idea of not having her phone … mostly due to the fact that she doesn’t even know how to properly turn it off. The promo doesn’t give too much more away than that, but it does advocate for viewers to sit down and watch the show together as a family — without phones and the like gumming things up.

We approach this episode from a fairly interesting spot, given that we’re old enough to remember life before smartphones — heck, we didn’t have one until well after college. Yet, we’re also young enough that we didn’t grow up entirely without the internet. Therefore, we’re probably somewhere between Mike and his kids when it comes to perspective. It’s going to be fun seeing how the show handles this sort of story, and it’s something that many families out there probably relate to. That is one of the things that Last Man Standing is really going for more than anything else — trying to find a way to tell stories most of his viewers will understand.

Related News Be sure to get some more news on Last Man Standing, including more details on what lies ahead

What do you want to see right now when it comes to Last Man Standing season 7 episode 12? Be sure to share some of your thoughts now in the comments, and stay tuned to get some more news on the subject. (Photo: Fox.)

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