How to Get Away with Murder season 5 episode 9 video: The next move

How to Get Away with Murder

In just under one week’s time How to Get Away with Murder season 5 episode 9 is finally going to air! With that, it seems like we’re going to get some more information following the show’s epic cliffhanger ending.

Related Video – Check out more thoughts on the midseason finale in our video below, and be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other insight and daily TV updates.

What’s one of the biggest things we need to know? It’s rather simple: How in the world Bonnie and Nate can get out of their present bind. The death of DA Miller is a big one, and it’s going to have sweeping ramifications for a number of different reasons. For starters, there’s so much emotion tied to what happened here for both characters, and typically, emotion leads to mistakes. The new promo we have for you below hints that this may be the one murder that some of the show’s characters don’t get away with, and the idea of this is rather intriguing in its own right.

We think that for Bonnie, step one is going to be the clean-up. Step two, meanwhile, is going to be staying steadfast and focused through the aftermath. Miller’s the sort of person whose death will raise eyebrows. People are going to have a reaction to it and she has to be prepared for that. It’s not something to be forgotten or tossed aside and she’s gotta be smart enough to be aware of that.

As for the other major storyline coming on season 5 episode 9, we are already prepared to see an unraveling of sorts when it comes to Annalise and then also Gabriel Maddox, who is the son of Sam Keating and Vivian Maddox. Now that we know his connection to Annalise, we’re at the point in the story where motives can start to become a little bit clearer. We’ve been wanting to understand this character better for a while just because he could have some very interesting stories to tell about his past, about Sam, and also about where he stands in his life now. We still think that this episode’s title, “He Betrayed Us Both,” is something that Annalise could say to him as the two work to find some common ground. It makes some sense that she would try to steer any potential anger that he has towards Sam, given what we know about the man and also whatever desire that she has to protect herself.

Related News Be sure to get some other information right now regarding the series!

What do you want to see when it comes to How to Get Away with Murder season 5 episode 9? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments. Also, stay tuned for some more news — we’ve got a good feeling that there is a whole lot more that is going to be said on this subject still. (Photo: ABC.)

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