The Masked Singer episode 2 video: A rabbit, a bumblebee, & a pineapple!
Related The Masked Singer video! – Be sure to check out some of our thoughts on the premiere at the bottom of this article! Also, remember here to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other insight and daily TV discussions.
What is somewhat exciting about this episode as we gear up for it is that we’re getting an entirely-new crop of contestants in costumes! While you shouldn’t forget about Peacock, Monster, and some of the other singers from last week, we’ve got a new crop now that includes an impressive bumblebee, a rabbit, a poodle, and some surfer dude with a pineapple for a head. Some of these are ridiculous, but all of them are likely going to be fun.
What seems to be a little bit more interesting, at least to us, is that Nicole Scherzinger seems actually confident that she knows who one of the contestants is. What happens then? This is the one thing that we worry about with the judges throwing out guesses — in the event they figure one out, we’re basically left just sitting around and wondering if there’s any more drama to be had there. We already feel like we’re somewhat in that place with Peacock, who we’re 99% sure is Donny Osmond.
Yet, we’re still excited to keep watching this show for at least another few weeks to see how these continue to develop. We’ll be the first to admit that we were surprisingly entertained with all of the craziness and excitement of the first episode. We did not anticipate that we were going to have anywhere near as much fun with the show as we did, largely because it feels as though it’s figured out a perfect tone for itself — it’s funny, but there is still enough of a prevailing seriousness underneath that you don’t just treat the entirety of the competition as slapstick. These people do have real stories and we think that there is something some of these celebrities are getting out of being a part of this competition. Maybe it’s a chance to showcase a hidden talent, or prove themselves in a way that they wish that they have for a rather-long period of time.
No matter what happens, we’re looking forward to another fun episode on Wednesday and hopefully a big costume reveal at some point during it.
Related News – Be sure to get some other information regarding the series and what’s next!
What are you the most interested in seeing when it comes to The Masked Singer episode 2? Be sure to share some of your thoughts right away in the comments! (Photo: Fox.)