Doctor Who season 11 episode 9 preview: ‘It Takes You Away’
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So what is coming up on this episode? We are back in the present, but just because the story is set there does not necessarily mean that the threats are normal. Our heroes could very well be encountering once more something fearsome, and something that has to be there for some sort of purpose. One of the things that we believe Doctor Who does so brilliantly is that it manages to bring an element of morality even to the supernatural world. There are often motivations for why characters, even mystical ones, often choose to act the way that they do. A part of the fun with this series is getting to understand just what these motivations are and how they manifest themselves.
Below, CarterMatt has the Doctor Who season 11 episode 9 synopsis with some information as to what lies ahead:
On the edge of a Norwegian fjord in the present day, the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz discover a boarded-up cottage and a girl named Hanne in need of their help. What has happened here? What monster lurks in the woods around the cottage – and beyond?
So will this episode carry over in some way to the finale? There are no tangible connections via the synopses for this one and episode 10, but it’s still something to consider with past seasons as precedent. Doctor Who often lives within the world of standalone hours, only to go big with two-parters and other long-form stories near the end of the season. Yet, we also do have to be very much aware of the fact that this is not the typical Doctor Who, as well. This is the version crafted by Chris Chibnall, and it is certainly different than almost any other that we have had a chance to come across in the modern era. He’s taken many creative risks already, including shifting away from traditional monsters and lessening the overall episode count in favor of having some episodes that are slightly longer in length. He may also opt to tell some finale stories in his own unique way.
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What do you want to see when it comes to Doctor Who season 11 episode 9? Be sure to share some of your earliest thoughts and expectations in the attached comments. (Photo: BBC.)