New Amsterdam episode 2 video: Where does Max go from here?

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Do you want to know some of what’s coming on New Amsterdam episode 2 when the series airs on NBC? Let’s just say that there are many different things you should be excited to see.

Related Video – Look below for some of our thoughts on the New Amsterdam season premiere! For more, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube now.

Let’s refresh things here with what happened at the end of this past episode, provided that you have forgotten. In the closing minutes of the premiere, we got confirmation that Max has cancer. He has to figure out how to care for himself, but the problem that goes along with this is that he’s not entirely sure as to how in the world to do that — at least given the way in which he acts. He doesn’t want to slow down; heck, he doesn’t even want to tell one of the most important people in his life that he’s sick. This is something that he is going to have to figure out precisely how to deal with.

Related Be sure to check out some of our other coverage when it comes to New Amsterdam!

The promo makes it a little bit clearer that there are some other stories worth looking at, including a new young patient at the hospital and Max being told, after an incredibly brief period of time, that he’s fired. We don’t necessarily think that this is a firing that is going to stick, but we do feel like this is somewhat indicative of the sort of line that Max is going to have to tow for the entirety of the series. He has to be aware that there are going to be people at just about every turn who want to see him removed from his post.

Where do you want to see the story go when it comes to New Amsterdam episode 2? Be sure to share in the attached comments!

Also, remember here that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event that you do want to get some other insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: NBC.)

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