The Crown season 3: Netflix debuts Helena Bonham Carter, Ben Daniels photos
In the first photo of Helena Bonham Carter above, she is seen fully embracing the character of Princess Margaret. Margaret is seen holding her cigarette with curious look on her face mixed with a look of disgust. Unlike her sister the Queen, Princess Margaret is an avid smoker, which seems to increase when she is in a stressful situation. Knowing this, the look on her face in the newly released photo is even more curious because it’s not a look we would expect to see on her face. In the background of the picture, even though it’s blurry, we can see and assume it’s her husband, Lord Snowden. Knowing this we can also suspect that maybe the hint of disgust on her face isn’t at the cigarette, but at her husband and his presence. It would definitely make sense given that toward the end of Season 2, we could clearly see that there was tension. We also know that Princess Margaret will have an affair so as that affair blossoms into love, her hatred for her husband could grow.
In the second photo of Ben Daniels (below), we see Antony Armstrong-Jones behind his camera once again. During Season 2, we saw that he became a completely different person when he stepped behind the camera. He could connect to anyone and make them feel special. However, sometimes getting attention from the public was hard. He married the princess as a move to boost his family’s reputation and presence among the elite of England, not out of love. Also in the photo we see that Armstrong is looking intensely at someone on the other side of the camera. Armstrong also has his own look of curiosity and a hint of something else that makes us feel like he has other things on his mind.
Overall, the newly released pictures continue to make us excited for Season 3. The Crown is currently in production and will premiere in 2019. Fo more news related to The Crown, be sure to visit this link.
This article was written by Samantha D’Amico. If you want to follow her on Twitter, you can do so at SAM_iamXO. (Photo: Netflix.)