Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Rockstar’s climb; Winston’s campaign (day 28, afternoon)
One of the stranger moments in the house this afternoon came when Rockstar decided to scale the rock wall in the living room after being encouraged by some of the other houseguests to do it. However, on the other side of that she eventually found herself in a panic and in need of a ladder to get down. The feeds went dark, and we imagine someone went in to help her. We aren’t going to mock Rockstar for it, mostly because we have no idea just how we would feel in this situation. She was in a harness, so at least there wasn’t all that much danger here.
As for what’s going on in the game, this afternoon Winston really started to get some of his solo campaign going, visiting Tyler and telling him that he can be a valuable player for him. It really seems like Winston would like Tyler to be the new Brett, not knowing all the while that Tyler wants to vote against him. This was something confirmed further in Tyler’s conversation with Kaycee later. The plan at the moment seems to be to let the other side of the house vote Winston and for it to be another close vote; yet, in the end Brett stays, and with that the remaining members of Level 6 have a more charismatic player and someone less likely to fly off of the handle.
No matter how you slice it, though, this week is a bad one for the Level 6 group. How else can you explain away losing a valuable member of your squad, especially since there’s probably an endurance challenge soon? While Winston probably wouldn’t have won if it is something about standing in one place for a long period of time, he would’ve had a chance in a few other competitions.
Related – Be sure to get some other updates when it comes to the feeds!
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