The Originals series finale: Should more characters be in danger?

The Originals

It should be pretty clear at this point to everyone who regularly watches The Originals that death is an enormous part of the show. This was true well before Hayley, and it is likely going to be very much true long after Hayley’s unfortunate demise.

The larger question that we are left to wonder at the moment is simply this: Is it possible now that some more characters are going to be in danger before the series ends? In some ways, it feels like an inevitability. As a matter of fact, there’s not even any guarantee that Elijah finds his way out of his current bind! This is a show that needs to make some big decisions leading into the series finale, and we wouldn’t be altogether shocked if some of them are tied to whether or not some of these characters have a place in the upcoming spin-off series Legacies. It is that show’s existence that really makes us fearful for Klaus’ future at the very end of the series finale. Wouldn’t he have some communication with Hope on the other side of all of this, especially if he continues to try and redeem himself as a good father throughout this entire journey?

As for some other people to be concerned over, we don’t think Freya should die but we’re not ruling it out. Meanwhile, Marcel is the sort of character who has had such a complicated view of morality over the course of the series that we could easily see him going. There is a healthy amount of irony as we enter these final episodes, especially in terms of who could likely be safe and who is likely in danger. For one reason or another, we actually think that the newer characters are more likely to survive than those who have been around forever. With most TV shows we often think the opposite.

Related Be sure to get some other insight regarding the next The Originals episode!

Who are you the most worried about going into The Originals series finale? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments below!

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