Doctor Who season 11: Who wants to work with Jodie Whittaker?

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Doctor Who season 11 is premiering later this year on the BBC and with that, one performer has made things clear in terms of their desire to come back.

Speaking per the Radio Times while on a break from recording a new Doctor Who Big Finish audio adventure, Georgia Tennant shared some of her thoughts about Jodie Whittaker getting the role as The Doctor for the upcoming batch of episodes:

“I was so pleased because it, to me, sort of felt like the time had come where it was about casting the right person, it wasn’t about casting for the gender … And the fact that she is a brilliant actress, and has clearly not been cast just for the fact that she’s a woman, is a really exciting thing. And she’s going to be brilliant – she’s brilliant in everything she does, she’s lovely, and I just feel like it was absolutely the right [decision].

“It doesn’t even occur to me to question whether it should have been a man or a woman. It should’ve been her.”

Tennant (who is of course married to the tenth Doctor in David Tennant) also noted that she’d been happy to return — even if she only appeared in one episode of the series proper, she amassed a following for the role. Personally, we’re always happy to see reprisals on the series if the time and the story is right. After all, one of the glorious things about Doctor Who as a series is that this is a show in which characters can be brought back in all sorts of shapes and forms. That’s a big part of what makes the series so imaginative! All you need to do is travel to the right time and space to make things happen.

Of course, we should also say that we’d be more than happy to see David Tennant return to the series moving forward, as well.

Related Be sure to get some of the latest rumors regarding a season 11 trailer

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