Big Brother Canada 6: The final five eviction results

Big Brother Canada 6 premiere

There were a couple of big reveals that happened over the course of Thursday’s Big Brother Canada 6 episode but let’s start things off with news on the final five eviction.

There wasn’t too much drama going into who was leaving the game tonight — Maddy was the clear target from the moment that she was on the block, at least in terms of how Derek and Kaela perceived her as a mental player. She did try to campaign over the past few days and we give her a good bit of credit for that … even though it was clear that a lot of that said campaigning was falling on deaf ears.

Maddy’s eviction played out just about as we expected. She often talked about stirring things up but didn’t do a lot to follow it. That was the same here. We admire her love of the show, but in terms of altering the course of this season she really didn’t do all that much.

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As for the rest of the episode, we don’t exactly think that there was a whole lot of content here since there were family visits and a lot of other footage that the show really didn’t need. They, for whatever reason, feel like revealing these results down the road are something that brings in eyeballs. We’re not altogether sure that is the case, but this is clearly the way in which they like structuring things given that we’ve seen them do this time and time again. (We love so much about the show but we dislike strongly a few different things about the eviction show, including the lack of HoH and then also the super-short interviews after the houseguests leave. That’s one of the things that Big Brother US does right.)

What did you think about tonight’s Big Brother Canada episode overall? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some other insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: Global.)

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