Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 8 Power of Veto winner
It’s pretty easy to describe what happens here with this comp: Whoever wins stays in the game, and whoever loses probably goes home. It was the right move for Johnny to nominate both but that doesn’t exactly mean that we’re getting set up here for the most exciting week of gameplay. Derek and Kaela just have the ability to steamroll and they need to be taken out because of that. There could be a little entertainment that comes out of replacement-nominee talk after the fact, but that’s really the only thing of interest we’re anticipating. Maybe we’ll get a little bit of “will you use the Veto on me?” talk between Derek and Kaela if one of them wins, but let’s hope not. You gotta be selfish in this game since you certainly don’t know if this sort of relationship works outside the house. It’s not like these two actually live anywhere remotely close to each other.
So who actually won the Veto when the dust settled this weekend? Think in terms of … Derek! He will almost certainly save himself but that’s not what is even the most interesting about where things may be going this week. For that, you don’t have to turn any further than Paras, who may be plotting one of her biggest moves yet in the game. If Johnny nominates Ali as a replacement nominee (which seems to be his plan right now), Paras wants to use Derek, Maddy, and herself to keep Kaela and get rid of her. This is her proving to Daela that she can be trusted and with that, she’s got a clear path to the final three with both them (it was started to get in danger there) and also Will and Maddy. The only people she doesn’t have as clear a path with are Johnny, Ali, and Olivia. This move would eliminate one from the equation. It’s reliant on Kaela keeping quiet and letting events play out, but she seems to be doing it now since it’s one of the smartest things that she can do for her game.
What do you think about the Power of Veto winner in the Big Brother Canada 6 house? Be sure to share some of your thoughts in the comments!
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