Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Veto players; implications (day 43)
Of course, the Head of Household in Derek is taking part, and to go along with that so are the nominees in Johnny and Ryan. Of course, all three of these players are extremely incentivized to win. As for the rest of the players … not so much. Paras, Maddy, and Olivia are also taking part this evening and of the three, let’s not say that they’ve got a huge history of winning. While Olivia was Head of Household during the Double Eviction, that’s all that they’ve really had going for them so far this season.
Apparently, Maddy does want to win just so that she can earn some sort of trust with Derek in keeping nominations the same, but we’re not sure what to think of Maddy since she also proclaimed this afternoon that she basically owes the entirety of her game to Paras. Maddy’s got zero chance of actually winning this at the very end and may end up just being a pawn this week in the event that Johnny or Ryan win.
In our mind, it really comes down to either Johnny or Derek if there is some sort of skill involved in the challenge. If there is no skill, we have a feeling that we’re going to have a situation here instead when it’s a total crapshoot. If it is either that or some sort of a mental competition, maybe you then give someone like Ryan a little more of a punter’s chance of emerging through this in one piece.
We’ll be back later tonight with some of the end results — provided of course that the players do not take all night long to figure this out.
Related – Be sure to check out some other news when it comes to the feeds!
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