Legends of Tomorrow season 3 finale review: The ascension of Beebo

Legends of Tomorrow season 3 episode 18

Tonight’s Legends of Tomorrow season 3 finale showed just how much the writers meant business.

The first thing that happened in the opening minutes of the episode was the death of Rip Hunter, who chose to give his life in order to ensure that the team could get away from Mallus. With that in mind, they then had to scramble, starting in the Old West, to figure out a way to save themselves. They tried combining all of the totems to stop Mallus Voltron-style, but that didn’t quite work. Following that, they got a little bit of help in the form of some returning faces from earlier this season: Jax came back, and to go along with him so did Ava, Kuasa, and Helen of Troy! They were all willing to contribute, and apparently being transported over to Themyscira by Zari did Helen a whole lot of good when it comes to her fighting ability.

While the team was preparing itself to face off with Mallus once more, we also saw Ray head off with Damien Darhk with their own purpose in mind: Finding Nora at a point in which she could still be saved. Damien was able to save his daughter, but in the process of that ended up becoming Mallus’ vessel instead.

By the time the team all joined forces once more, the stage was set for a pretty epic final battle unlike any other that we’ve had a chance to see before.

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Anatomy of a showdown

In one corner tonight you had Mallus plus some of the other stooges from across the season — including Blackbeard and some Vikings from the big Beebo episode from earlier this season. In the other corner, the Legends plus many other people they helped along the way. This was big, this was epic, and it was also nuts. Every Legend somehow got into the fray, and at first, it seemed as though they were victorious!

Unfortunately, consider this victory short-lived. Many of the defeated soldiers quickly came back to life and that forced the Legends to take off while their friends helped to keep the enemies at bay. From here, they were able to actually team up in order to use the totems properly … and to summon a giant Beebo? Yep. A giant Beebo. This is the most random and silly way to stop Mallus and we’re HERE FOR IT. We couldn’t stop laughing — but, the good news is this — the Legends are the winners!

In the aftermath of the battle, the Legends all handed over some of their totems to Kuasa, who ended up taking them back. The Legends’ friends departed (along with Ava, who had a brief-but-nice moment with Sara tonight) and with that, the world was in a better place.

Here’s the sad news: Amaya is now gone from the team in order to return to her own time (read more here). Also, Damien Darhk seems to be dead alongside Mallus. The team got a brief break for Aruba, and then after that John Constantine arrived with big news: Mallus’ release into the world let out other demons, and stopping them appears to be the focus of season 4.

CarterMatt Verdict

Obviously, it would’ve been great to see more of Mallus, but the reality there is that this show doesn’t have that much of a budget for CGI demons. There were probably also too many characters crammed in here, but we also get it — this was the final episode and with that, you want to give us a ton of callbacks. We just wish the finale was longer.

Now, we will say there were many GLORIOUS moments within this final episode, whether it be getting another Beebo cameo or also seeing Zari randomly have the hots for Jonah Hex. (Her line about getting his dirty hat was all sorts of funny.)

What did you think about the Legends of Tomorrow season 3 finale as a whole? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want some more Legends of Tomorrow scoop right away. (Photo: The CW.)


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