Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: The Veto Ceremony; hope for excitement
Unless something crazy happens, as of right now the plan seems to be for Ryan to go home in a pretty unanimous vote. Johnny decided not to use the Power of Veto earlier, which is going to keep Will alongside Ryan on the block. Ryan’s already begging for some sort of serious power in the game, which we understand on a personal level, (obviously, he doesn’t want to leave the game) but is incredibly annoying on a game level. If you don’t have the capacity to get yourself out of this situation, what use are you really?
If we were Canada, we wouldn’t use the power on someone like Ryan just because there’s no real chance at Ryan winning this game. Also, using this power this week could ensure the fate of someone like an Erica, who Kaela would have nominated in the event that Johnny played the Veto. Maybe Kaela would do something different in the event of a twist because she wouldn’t see it as a betrayal by Johnny; yet, that’s still a risk and it would be terribly unfair for a player as good as Erica to go home because of something outside of her control. She deserves credit for staying off the block despite being a billion times more threatening than Ryan is. This would be even worse than America punishing Jessie in Big Brother 11 for having a cult-like following among a few people in the house.
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Unfortunately, we don’t foresee much drama between now and Thursday just because there’s no real chance for a twist to come out before then. Also, if someone does try to target Will it is going to cause Johnny to flip out and probably target them. The only reason why he was comfortable keeping Will on the block was because he was sure that nobody would send him home in the game this week.
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