Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: The campaigning begins (day 24)
Earlier today, the Veto Ceremony happened and Erica decided to nominate Veronica as the replacement nominee. She and Merron are now on the block and one of them is going to be leaving the game come Thursday night.
At the moment, the house seems to be very divided over what to do and this seems to be a battle of different influences pushing against each other to make a move happen. Obviously Erica wants Veronica out because she made the move, and she has Ali and Olivia on her side. Maddy feels some gratitude over the Veto being used, and beyond that Johnny has been working with them for much of the week.
Elsewhere, you’ve got Paras and Will both doing what they can to keep Veronica in the house, knowing that she is clear number for them and also a potential target. She’s also someone who they could use to go after Erica at some point down the road. They’re smart in that they realize that Erica is the most dangerous person in the game. The issue that they have in campaigning though, is that Merron may in turn end up drifting from them. Kaela and Derek are probably two of the most important numbers this week, mostly in that they could be the ones who really end up deciding things. They did recently join an alliance that included Veronica, but just how seriously did they really take that? This is something that hopefully, the next few days are going to make clear. It’s still a little too early to say for sure.
If you were in the house right now now, who would you vote to save: Veronica or Merron? Sound off right now in the attached comments!
Also, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook right now in the event you want some other insight when it comes to the show. (Photo: Global.)