Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 3 Veto winner
Hamza was the winner of the Power of Veto Competition this week, and with that he apparently is going to be the second straight HoH to do something now that he has no real reason to do — he wants to save Jesse and then nominate Ryan, which will probably lead in turn to the eviction of Ryan.
What Hamza is assuming here is that every single person who tells him is on his side actually is and that nobody is playing their own game. Hamza is wrong. Ryan isn’t really good for too many games in the house; granted, neither is fellow nominee Olivia, but there’s just no real reason for him to take this chance. Ryan isn’t targeting him at this point. He would be better making an actual move that is going to change the game, like nominating Derek or Kaela and keeping Jesse on the block. Yet, he thinks that pulling Jesse off the block will bring him some sort of favor from him, which is actually not even remotely true. Instead, it’s probably just going to lead to Hamza getting nominated the next time in which he has an opportunity to do so.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow and if there are any changes to the plan, given that Hamza has changed his mind about a million or so times already. Because of that, there is also a high likelihood that he will end up doing the same thing again.
Related – Read our full exit interview with Andrew
Do you think Hamza is going to have any success at all with this plan? Share in the comments!
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