Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Tin foil and farewells (day 13)
This seems to be one of the votes that is mostly just about likability. Hamza is actually a much bigger threat in that he’s reasonably well-liked; meanwhile, Andrew’s a big dude and he’s never going to perform well in the challenges. He’s the perfect guy to just keep for as long as possible. He tried a tiny bit of campaigning on Wednesday but that was about it.
Most of the drama entering tonight’s episode seems to be geared more around Olivia and Ali, who are targets alongside Erica of a good bit of the house. The White Room crew is targeting many of them, and Paras is especially intent on making sure that Jesse does not pair up with her in the game.
Since CarterMatt has already discussed both the plan for this week and next, why not spend a moment here discussing some of what happened last night? It was utterly ridiculous, but also super funny since the Have-Nots all decided to go into the storage room and wrap just about everything in foil. This was not a lame James Huling prank from Big Brother US; this was legitimately funny since, if we were them, we would’ve never fessed up to it and just left everyone reeling in paranoia for a while. Granted, someone in production probably has to go buy more aluminum foil now … not that they may mind after some fun TV like this.
Check back later, as we’re going to have both a full review of what transpired tonight coupled with an update on the next Head of Household. Tomorrow, we will have an interview with the eliminated houseguest — in other words, an interview with Andrew. Come back to CarterMatt for that tomorrow.
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