Why a Call the Midwife reunion is starting to feel necessary
One of the things that we’ve come to learn about the BBC series over time is that change is at the heart of almost everything they do — and they don’t just mean change in Poplar or changes in the medical field. They also mean changes in the past. Just think back to all of the cast members who have been a part of the show over the years coupled with some of the most notable departures — Jessica Raine is the one that gets the bulk of the attention since she was at one point considered the star of the show; yet, you cannot diminish the departure of Miranda Hart, or the decision by Emerald Fennell last year to depart to focus more on her writing career. Beyond these three, the Christmas Special seemed to set up an absence for the time being of Charlotte Ritchie and Jack Ashton from the show. While it seems as though the two will return near the end of season 7, anytime characters go away for a long time there are reasons to be concerned over the future. In terms of the Nonnatus midwives, Helen George is one of the few common threads who’s been a part of the show through thick and then. Beyond the incoming Lucille, one of the only other midwives we really have at the moment is Valerie Dyer, someone we’re still getting a chance to know.
A Call the Midwife reunion would ultimately serve a number of different purposes, with one being the chance to give longtime fans a reason to celebrate and maybe watch again if they haven’t in a while. It would also help to resolve a question that we’ve long had: How does Jennifer Worth the narrator know much of what is going on here? We like to think that she maintained a friendship with many in Poplar and was told some of these stories over time, but we’d like to see her meeting up with the other midwives at some point as proof.
Beyond just all of that, a Call the Midwife reunion would help to spread the message of hope, one of the biggest messages that this show is really known for. This is a reminder of everything that the women on the series have gone through and how they’ve all managed to find their true calling — and how grateful they are to Nonnatus for allowing them to discover it.
Do you want to see a Call the Midwife reunion take place? Be sure to share some of your thoughts in the comments!
Meanwhile, check out the link here to read a little bit more news on the future of the franchise; for more news on Call the Midwife in general, we strongly suggest that you like CarterMatt on Facebook right now. (Photo: BBC.)