The Flash season 4: Have we met Barry and Iris’ daughter?

Barry and Iris' daughter

Has Barry and Iris’ daughter arrived on The Flash? During the recent Crisis on Earth-X daughter we met a mystery woman who was working as a waitress for what was originally intended to be their wedding. She was enthusiastic, chipper, and you could tell right away that this wasn’t any ordinary wedding for her and she was thrilled to be there as a part of the ceremony.

Judging from the fact that she bore some physical similarities to both Grant Gustin and Candice Patton’s characters, conventional wisdom from there suggested that this character was, in fact, Gwen Allen. This is one of Barry and Iris’ children in the comics, and a character who could be harboring some superpowers of her own. It does make sense for the show to introduce this character at some point just because the entire West-Allen family seems to be, in one way or another, tied to speedsters. Yet, we get the sense that this is going to be a slow burn rather than something that the series is going to be diving into rather extensively. Think of this as relatively similar in some ways to what Arrow decided to do when they first revealed that Samantha Clayton had a child — though probably on an even greater level.

The young woman responsible for this mystery woman role, whether it be Gwen Allen or someone else, is Jessica Parker Kennedy. Based on what she had to say recently in an interview with Bustle, all signs point towards her getting

“I’ll be around … You’ll see me at least one more time, I can tell you that. You’ll see me again on the show and things will make more sense.”

Does this return appearance from Kennedy mean that you’ll get answers? Judging from the latter part of that quote it seems like some additional information is going to come out. As for how much, that’s just something that we’re going to have to wait and see on. The Flash could drop another clue and then try to address this more in season 5 or season 6. After all, don’t they have enough on their plate as it is? Remember that we’ve got The Thinker and Amunet Black out there; following that, there’s also story-of-the-week villains to deal with and Ralph Dibny is commanding plenty of air time, as well.

The Flash returns to The CW on Tuesday, January 16. While you wait for additional news on The Flash, check out our list of characters we’d like to see on the show coming up!

For all sorts of great news in general on everything The Flash, like CarterMatt on Facebook right now. (Photo: The CW.)

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