Doctor Who season 11: Why Matt Smith is ready to see Jodie Whittaker

Matt Smith

Being the star of Doctor Who is akin to joining a rare fraternity — there are such a select few who have had the opportunity to star in the series, and you like to see them all being as warm and supportive of each other as possible. This is why it’s so nice to see Matt Smith doing what he can in order to pour on the praise for newcomer Jodie Whittaker’s casting and the direction taken by new showrunner Chris Chibnall. Smith remains one of the most beloved Doctors — Eleven was zany and fun, but could also be sincere and very heartfelt. He was a perfect introduction for some to the series — we know that for many, the first Doctor they watch is the one they like the best. It’s similar to how Saturday Night Live viewers tend to get attached to the cast who was there when they first started watching.

Smith handed down his latest endorsement of Whittaker while in the process of promoting The Crown, his new series for Netflix that serves as a pretty firm reminder that he’s done more than well following his time on Doctor Who a few years ago. Here’s some of what he had to say to Digital Spy:

“I think Doctor Who is a bit like Shakespeare. It needs expression and it needs courage and bold ideas – and I think Chris [Chibnall, new showrunner] and his team will bring all that to the show, so I just sit back as a fan and watch what happens … I absolutely don’t see why [the Doctor] can’t be a girl.”

Smith’s comments echo in part what current Doctor Peter Capaldi has said, in addition to David Tennant — a man who knows Whittaker better than most given that he worked with both her and Chibnall on Broadchurch.

New episodes of Doctor Who are slated to air at some point in 2018 — if you haven’t seen the first official photo of Whittaker yet in costume, we suggest that you visit the link here and check that out. The new costume is often a treat for many cosplayers around the world as they want to get a jump on the start of the season.

Do you think that Whittaker is the bold new direction that Doctor Who needs? Be sure to share some of your thoughts now in the comments!

Also, like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you are interested in some additional insight on this show and then many others we cover. (Photo: BBC.)

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