Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 1 spoilers: First look at premiere!

Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 1

Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 1 is (finally) airing on ABC next month. Who’s excited to dive into some of that?

Following Inhumans airing a two-hour premiere earlier this fall and also Once Upon a Time doing something very similar, the powers that be clearly think that doing this with Agents of SHIELD is the right move. It’s getting to air what will serve as a two-hour movie, and allow you an opportunity to dive into what is the heart of a pretty big, action-packed story for the new season. At the heart of it is going to be a pretty crazy story that revolves around the entire SHIELD team finding themselves in outer space. It’s not where they planned to be after the Aida take-down and the destruction of the Framework, but it is where they are and they have to do everything they can to stay alive.

To go along with that, they also have to do their best in order to figure out why they are out there and what someone could want with them? The Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 1 synopsis CarterMatt has for you below does make it clear that this is not going to be a pleasant experience for anyone:

Coulson and the team find themselves stranded on a mysterious ship in outer space, and that’s just the beginning of the nightmare to come.

The word “nightmare” is a very curious one here given that it suggests we’re we may be getting something akin to a horror movie. What in the world would scare SHIELD at this point? They’ve battle androids, a false reality, multiple iterations of Grant Ward, and many other people out to destroy the world. Part of the fun with season 5 is the mystery of it. While ABC and Marvel have a history of keeping details under wraps, this is one of the first times they’ve been anywhere close to this secretive. The space theme is really one of the only prominent details that is well-known.

Excited for Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 1?

Share now in the comments below, and if you missed it, be sure to click here to learn about some of the new characters who are coming aboard Agents of SHIELD this year! Personally, we’re very excited to see what comes about here.

Also, like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some more news regarding this show and some others we cover. (Photo: ABC.)

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