Arrow season 6 episode 4 spoilers: David Ramsey sets up Diggle’s struggle

David Ramsey

If you like seeing John Diggle in the spotlight (like we do here at CarterMatt) then there’s a pretty good chance that Arrow season 6 episode 4 is going to be just the ticket for you.

We already know that Diggle is the new Green Arrow and it’s wearing the costume for the time being, but he’s had a little bit of help in making that happen. Remember all the nerve damage that he suffered? Well, that isn’t going away anytime soon. Instead of letting it heal naturally, he is using some rather unconventional methods to ensure that he can continue to be out in the field. Think along the lines of “juicing” himself. That may be useful to Diggle in some ways, but remember that with every decision like this comes consequences. For Diggle, these said consequences could be vast and harmful.

In setting up this story more to TVLine, David Ramsey offered up the following message:

“You’re seeing Diggle in a different way, right? Diggle has always been kind of the bastion of integrity — I mean, this man wanted to go to prison over the guilt he felt over the Canary’s death and his brother’s death. He’s been the model of morality. And now all that stuff comes into question. I think it’s a good arc for Diggle and a good arc for the team, because what’s he’s doing will affect the whole team and his family. This will have a ripple effect that will be felt throughout the first part of the season.”

We do love seeing John be the good guy, there’s something fun about watching him on edge a little bit and outside of himself and this storyline should offer up an opportunity for us to see him in this capacity a little bit longer. He’s got a lot on his plate in between being a family man, a hero, and guy trying to heal after a serious medical issue. Arrow is clearly going all-in on the prospect of putting Diggle in the costume, and they’re not backing away from it in the immediate future. Obviously this is a show about Oliver Queen, and with that in mind we imagine that he will be wearing the suit again at some point. For now, though, let’s just enjoy the crazy ride that were on with John in this position. If you know David Ramsey, you know he’s capable of pulling off any story. We’ve long said at CarterMatt that he is probably the show’s best actor.

What do you want to see from Diggle as the Green Arrow moving forward? Be sure to share in the comments section below! There is an additional preview that you can check out for Thursday night’s new episode over at the link here.

Also, like us on Facebook if you want to get some more updates on both Arrow and other shows we cover at the site. (Photo: The CW.)

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