MasterChef season 8 episode 10 exclusive: Can Dino impress with Shaun O’Neale mystery box?


MasterChef season 8 episode 10 is going to be coming your way on Wednesday night, and thanks to a Shaun O’Neale appearance, it’s an episode like no other! The reigning champ is turning up for the first time this season to present a Mystery Box challenge, and it’s clearly one that features ingredients that Dino is more than happy to receive. Check out the exclusive sneak peek below for evidence.

There’s a lot to love about Dino as a contestant on this season. For one, he is extremely likable and charismatic — he’s got one of the biggest personalities that we’ve seen across the entire season. He’s also a very talented cook. He’s done a good job in many of the different challenges, and has shown a knack for doing a wide array of super-good dishes. He also dominated the Pressure Test at the end of this past episode with a cannoli recipe inspired by his mother.

So in this preview, he is just trying to do his best to impress Shaun with the ingredients he selected, and he’s got a unique take on ravioli that could turn out pretty great. He’s got in here butternut squash, mushrooms, venison, and a honey mustard cream sauce to top it off. This is not your typical ravioli, but at the same time what works for it is clearly that these are all ingredients that make sense. If you’re going to take a big risk with a dish, make sure every ingredient matters and you’re bringing together ideas that make sense. Compare this to last week, when there was some brief consideration as to whether or not we could be seeing fish paired with cheese.

While this all makes sense for Dino, he’s gotta be able to pull it off! If he does, he could get a huge advantage or even immunity in the second part of the challenge — this obviously gets more and more important as the season progresses, and he is smart enough to be aware of this. As of right now, we have him near the top of the pecking order in terms of contenders. There are four or five people who we could see winning the show at the end, but the thing with MasterChef is that there is still an unpredictable nature to it. Just remember that Brien was doing extremely well in the competition, but by the end of this past episode, he found himself eliminated in a way that we didn’t see coming. Therefore, it’s hard to say Dino’s 100% safe even tomorrow just because we like the ideas that he’s bringing to the table.

What do you think is coming on MasterChef season 8 episode 10, and do you think that Dino has the potential to go far? Share below!

Also, be sure to click here in the event you want to read our full review with the recently-eliminated contestant Brien O’Brien, where he discusses at length the aforementioned elimination from this past episode. (Photo: Fox.)


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