Big Brother Canada 5 finale: Did Kevin Martin or Karen Singbeil win?
Following the elimination of Ika Wong in fourth place, the final three faced off in a series of battles that prove one thing: Studying is important. The competitions at the end of the season are always pretty mental, and while that may be unfair in some way, this is a tough challenge since if you make them too physical, people complain about that. Basically, this is all about complaining about the competitions that send the audiences favorites home. For many this season, the audience favorites were Ika and Demetres, which does make some sense given that the two of them were very good and did a lot of good work over the course of the season to control things.
In the end, though, controlling the game makes you a threat at the game — that’s why Ika left in fourth place, and then in turn why Demetres left in third. Kevin was the one with all of the power, and it made sense for him to dictate a path to get to the end with Karen. She was very entertaining for most of the season, but that didn’t equate with her being a great player. She was hyper-paranoid for most of the season and didn’t always have a good grasp on what was going on.
After the jury deliberation segment (love Tim Dormer, but there’s a zero percent chance that he knew all of that information about Big Brother Canada history before someone told him) and then the one in the studio, everyone voted … and it looked like everything was going to come up roses for Kevin.
The big critique with the finale year in and year out is that it could really run 90 minutes instead of two hours with all of the filler segments thrown in there. Some was funny, but some just ran LONG.
The winner is… Kevin! He got the first five votes from the jury, and that was really all that mattered in the end. Presumably, he got more. Kevin didn’t play a perfect game, but in the end, he won the competitions when he needed to and made enough friends to give him the votes. That was enough. Also, the vote was unanimous!
If you do want to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada 5 and what happened over the course of the season, head over to the link here right now! There will also be INTERVIEWS tomorrow with the final four. (Photo: Global.)