Big Brother Canada 5 spoilers: Farewell, live feeds; eviction today


The Big Brother Canada 5 live feeds are officially done for the season, and this one came almost came out of nowhere! While it was clear they would probably be going off soon, there was this odd feeling of suddenness about them being gone today. Maybe a big part of that has to do with the feeds being by and large fantastic for most of the season.

While it is highly likely that not everyone will be excited with Ika’s likely eviction today (it is happening today, per what was said by Arisa Cox before feeds cut), mass applause to her for delivering and making the feeds so much fun this season. Also, cheers to many other players — Cassandra and Gary were fun to watch in the early going, as was Big Deezy to a certain extent. Dillon brought some unintentional comedy, Karen delusions of grandeur, and Demetres was the surprise of the season — a funny, smart, likable guy who wasn’t the meathead prototype many assumed he would be going into the show.

Just back into a time machine for a moment, and think about what this season could have been like in the event that Demetres goes home week 1 and Mark stays. No disrespect to Mark, but the entire game feels incredibly different than what it ended up being.

Are there changes that should be made to feeds in the future? Given that Big Brother Canada seems to have no interest in changing to a paid model, one thing that they should consider instead is installing some sort of direct notification system where either feedmasters or the show’s official Twitter makes it clear just how long feeds are going to be down for competitions or tasks. It doesn’t need to be super-precise, but saying “hey guys, feeds will be down until late tonight” suffices so that people A) don’t miss anything and B) don’t grow incredibly agitated waiting for them to come back.

Oh, and don’t have fun parties in the house without allowing viewers the access to see them. After all, this is what the majority of feedsters watch for and it changes the entire scope of the show. (The prevailing theory as to why they are blocked is that it protects the houseguests and the sponsors if something too off-the-rails goes down.)

Remember, throughout the rest of the season there will be further updates — including some features — online over at the link here. Be sure to check them out! There are also interviews coming after the finale. (Photo: Global.)

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