The Flash season 3 trailer: Savitar, Captain Cold, and plenty of pain

Flash season 3 trailer

Today, The CW unveiled the latest The Flash season 3 trailer, and the big takeaway that we get from this is that Barry Allen’s in for a world of hurt. How in the world do you fight a villain who is an older version of yourself?

There are three episodes still to go this season, and within these Barry has to try to figure out if there is a way to change his own narrative. It’s also clear through this as to why Savitar kills Iris — Future Barry deems that it’s an essential part of his transformation. If this doesn’t happen, his body and soul isn’t overrun with darkness and he remains The Flash forever. Without Iris, he becomes addicted to the power and pain.

Also, this preview gives you the return of Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold, though it’s not altogether clear the context in which he turns up. With all of Savitar’s talk about time travel, odds are that the return of Leonard Snart comes about as a result of this. (Remember for a minute that his memory was wiped at the end of Legends of Tomorrow season 2, and he was put back in the timeline where he would eventually die sacrificing himself for everyone at the end of the first season of that show.)

As for some other interesting elements of the trailer, it’s cool to get a sighting of Lyla in here — maybe there’s not a formal Arrow crossover the remainder of the season, but there are clearly some characters popping over from one show to the other before the end of the season. Also, is Killer Frost into Future Barry? This may be the closest thing that you get to a proper Snowbarry pairing happening on the show; maybe we’re even reading into the moment that they have in the trailer wrong, given that mere minutes after they have said moment Savitar seems fine throwing her against a wall.

As for how the show is going to cram all of this content into three episodes, we have no idea. We love fast-paced storytelling as much as the next person, but this preview makes a pretty case for why the producers really should have thrown the Savitar reveal in there a little sooner.

What’s your take on this new The Flash trailer? Sound off now in the comments!

Meanwhile, head over to this link in the event you are interested in booking some further news when it comes to the show. That includes a promo for Tuesday’s episode in particular. (Photo: The CW.)

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