The X Factor UK: Is Nicole Scherzinger returning? Judge still in limbo
In speaking on this subject to The Sun, one source did express a little bit of concern about getting the entire panel on board and then signing on the dotted line once more:
“Simon has made no secret of the fact he wants the same panel this year … But while Louis and Sharon are all but signed, there’s still a question mark over Nicole.
“She loves the show and ended last year indicating she’d be seeing them all same time, same place. But the longer things hang in the air, the more nervous people become. Filming is starting in June and and production will sleep easier when she gives Simon her answer.”
One of the big things that you do have to wonder with Nicole here is why she wouldn’t want to be a part of the show moving forward. The only answer that we can think of reasonably quickly is that she may want to do some other things creatively, or that maybe she can hold out for more money or a different deal. This is just all speculation on our part, though, given that we do believe the odds are fairly high that she is going to come back to the show just because it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for her not to when you consider some of the many benefits that come from her being a part of the show at the moment. It’s a huge platform for her career, and there seem to be plenty of people out there who enjoy having her be a part of it. In the end, it just makes sense if this was something that she’d continue to want to be a part of for some time.
Do you think that Nicole Scherzinger will eventually return to The X Factor for another kick at the can? Share in the comments!
Meanwhile, be sure to head over to the link here in the event you want to get some further news right now when it comes to the series. (Photo: ITV.)