Big Brother Canada – Neda Kalantar interview: Why time wasn’t on her side
We had a chance to speak briefly with Neda this morning about the game; given that this is the jury phase, we cannot clue her in on anything that she isn’t already privy to from her time in the house.
CarterMatt – If you were nominated as a replacement during a normal week instead of a Double Eviction, do you think you would have a better chance to save yourself?
Neda Kalantar – Even if I had twenty minutes instead of five minutes between the end of the Power of Veto Competition and the nomination, I would have been able to save myself. Five minutes is [not enough time] for me! I’m the sort of person who manipulates, and I work over time with people. Five minutes is not enough.
Is there any player you wished you had worked with more? If so, who?
I wish that I was able to keep being fake with Ika much longer in the house than I was. This past week, I really didn’t give it the extra effort it needed.
Who did you feel the most loyal to in the house and why?
I really didn’t feel that loyal to anyone this time! My main alliance was called the Nedas, and it was with [everyone back home]. I was really in this for myself. As soon as The Six was formed, I knew that we weren’t going to last that long.
Maybe I felt [most loyal] to Kevin and Bruno, Kevin probably more. Really, it wasn’t the same as last time where I felt a loyalty to Jon, Heather, and Adel, at least until a certain point in the game.I really connected with those people on my season very personally, and I had close connections to them. This time, I was all game-mode all the time.
If you missed it…
Earlier today, we spoke with Emily Hawkin about her time in the Big Brother Canada house, and you can check that out by heading over to the link here.
Big Brother Canada airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT, and Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global (Photo: Global.)