Big Brother Canada 5: On the Gary Levy eviction, the Neda edit debate

Gary Levy eviction

There are two different top stories that we have going out of tonight’s Big Brother Canada episode, but somehow, we do still find ourselves mostly interested in speaking about where things stand at the moment with Neda in the house.

How can someone perceived as so popular in season 2 be viewed so negatively by much of social media this season? We don’t think that she’s all that different a person. Much of it is context. Snide comments that she made during season 1 as an underdog on the outside of the main alliance were perceived as funny, and you wanted to see her take down Goliath. Now that she is Goliath, she’s instead perceived as mean. It’s a similar phenomenon to Nicole Franzel last summer — we personally think that Neda is a far better player than Nicole, and we say that knowing that she won, and it shows just how much being in power versus being an underdog can influence viewers.

Neda has done a few regrettable things this season — the Sindy segment tonight came off badly, as did her reaction to Cassandra’s eviction. With that said, we do think that if Neda’s an underdog again, she will find a way to be popular again with some viewers. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter — she’s there to win the money at the end! The biggest thing we’re concerned about for her is that being immune for so long causes so much resentment that she’s a target, and that she doesn’t come across as humble enough to minimize it.

The eviction – Gary was sent home tonight, and in a shock to no one at all, the vote was unanimous. Gary was a pretty good sport in his exit, though he did make it clear to everyone that Demetres made a promise and then broke it. The sad truth here is that this wasn’t Demetres’ fault in the first place — it was the returning players who perceived him as a threat.

Gary seemed fairly positive after the eviction with Arisa Cox, and we definitely got the sense in the goodbye messages that people were afraid to say anything negative about him because he’s so popular. Hey, we get that. We’ve always liked Gary as a personality, and it’ll be rough to see him gone from the season.

For some further news on Big Brother Canada, be sure to head over to the link here. We’ll have some more news about the new Head of Household a little later tonight. (Photo: Global.)

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