Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Demetres clues in Gary


If there’s one thing that we love but Big Brother Canada players often hate, it’s blindsides. It makes far more sense if you’re someone in the game to want to soften the blow if you possibly can. You don’t want someone to blow up your game on your way out the door, and smashing their heart at the last-second is a good way to do that.

With this in mind, earlier this morning Demetres decided that it would be best to clue in Gary as to what’s happening tonight — he’s voting him out, or at least he thinks that he is voting him out. (Hey, this is backwards week, after all. Anything could theoretically still happen.)

As you would imagine, given that nobody wants to learn that they’re being evicted from the game, Gary was not happy about it and feels like Demetres straight-up lied to him about what he was planning for the week. Demetres had previously assured him that he would likely be okay for the week, so hearing otherwise was a huge affront and a cause for some tremendous disappointment. Nobody wants to be evicted so close to the jury, and production’s probably off frowning somewhere given that they are losing one of their big players.

Still, the only person that Gary really has to blame for his exit here is himself, given that he was too ardent in his support of Cassandra and put his neck out there too much against the dominant alliance. This season was also not set up all that well for him from the moment that Neda got safety until jury. This meant that there was zero incentive for Kevin and Bruno to want her gone, and Neda was probably one of the people targeting him the most from the get-go. Gary can be a good player, but he found himself in a bad position and with a twist that was difficult to recover from. What made it worse is that the majority controlled the vote this week, so the only chance he had to save himself was to win the Power of Veto. We, for the record, hate weeks where players don’t have that many opportunities to save themselves.

Anyhow, we’ll chronicle the events of tonight a little later over at the link here. We also know that tomorrow, we’ll have a full exit interview with the person eliminated from the game (likely Gary). Be sure to come back then!

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