The Amazing Race 29 episode 2 promo: Honeymoons end in Sao Paolo
We enjoyed the first episode of the season far more than we thought that we would, and there could be something compelling that comes with watching this getting-to-know-you teammate experiment somewhere along the way. We wonder if there could ever be a teammate swap experiment down the line, in fact … but we’re probably getting a tad ahead of ourselves. We probably would prefer for the teams to remain the same this season.
The destination for episode 2 is Sao Paolo, Brazil — it’s far from the first time that teams have ventured there, but it’s a welcome destination just because it’s vibrant and fun. We do tend to get a lot of legs these days outside of major cities, so we’re glad anytime a team gets a chance to visit somewhere big.
Now, let’s get to the reason for the article title — the honeymoon period for many of these teams is going to be over soon. After all, it has to be. It’s like anytime you get to know someone. At first, you’re nice, but over time your true personality comes out and you start to get a little bit heated and angry at even the smallest thing. That was the thing with the majority of the blind date teams — a good many of them did blow up on each other over time, and for the simple reason that they had to deal with each other a long time.
Out of the teams that we’ve got right now, it’s clear that the one positioned the best is Seth & Olive, just because they’ve got on paper everything that you would need to win this race. Behind them, you have to think that Matt & Redmond are going to be in this for a long time. Becca & Floyd a.k.a. Team Fun do have the Express Pass, and that may help them recover from the fact that they are not the most physical team on the show.
More coverage
If you missed it, be sure to head over here to get our full review for this past episode of the show. We’ll have our review for the next The Amazing Race 29 episode over the coming days, so you’ve got that to look forward to. (Photo: CBS.)