Grey’s Anatomy season 13 episode 18 sneak peek: Meredith, Maggie conflict

Grey's Anatomy season 13 episode 18 sneak peekIn the Grey’s Anatomy season 13 episode 18 sneak peek below, you’re going to get a sense as to just how powerful an episode “Be Still, My Soul” is. Let’s just say that Ellen Pompeo picked a great episode to make her directorial debut for, given that this is one that will feature both Meredith and her sister Maggie wrestling with some key decisions as to how to care for Maggie’s mother.

Specifically, Maggie makes it clear to Meredith that she wants to work on finding a surgical solution for her mother after learning that the cancer’s started to spread. Unfortunately, the problem is that with that, it’s very difficult to operate and incredibly dangerous. It’s certainly going to look like Maggie is going to need to find another option. Meredith’s not willing to go through with it, and the tension is starting to come to a boil between the two sisters.

While there is no clear solution to this problem at the moment, every indication right now suggests that this is going to be a gut-wrenching, emotional episode almost like no other. Specifically, here is what Kelly McCreary had to say in a new interview with TVLine:

“I hope you’ll be really wrecked [through watching the episode] … No matter what a person’s relationship is like with their parents, I hope that people will feel Maggie’s journey deeply and empathize.”

This is an episode that should prove to be a game-changer for the Maggie character, especially in terms of the relationships with all of her various family members. After all, she and Meredith have spent time living with each other, and of course Richard Webber has been a rather integral part of the story in his own right as of late. Beyond this episode, we’ll see what happens. We do very much hope that Maggie’s mother somehow is able to pull through, but the reality is that this is a show based in reality. Sometimes, reality operates in a way that you don’t like, and in a way that can depress you to no end.

Interested in getting some other news when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy, be sure to head over to the link here right now! You can also share some of your thoughts on the sneak peek in the comments

Tomorrow night, we will be back with a full review of everything that happens over the course of the episode. (Photo: ABC.)

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