Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Punishments and plans


We didn’t imagine that today was going to be incredibly eventful in the Big Brother Canada house, but at least there were a few highlights following the Veto Ceremony.

For one, Big Brother got fed up with some of the players talking smack about production / former houseguests / anyone and everyone in between and put them all on slop for a little bit. This is a show that does tend to be a little bit quicker when it comes to handing out the punishments. While CBS in America is a little more keen to allow the house to descend into anarchy, we do find that there is by and large a greater sense of decorum here.

The events of the day were a little more emotional because of it — after all, there were several people wandering about the house acting as though they had been grounded.

Aside from that, the majority of the evening’s been spent with people running around and trying to see where the house stands moving forward. Specifically, we’ve got inklings of Gary wanting to keep Cassandra, but also Gary realizing how difficult that will be. Dre is running around telling everyone what they want to hear, and then you’ve got Cassandra STILL targeting Bruno even though she’s on the block. We’re pretty sure that Cass hasn’t gone longer than a few minutes without saying his name since the start of the season. It makes some sense given how good of a social game he’s played so far.

Our favorite conversation duo at the moment is Karen and Gary, mostly because the two are so ridiculous and there’s a bluntness about them that you don’t get elsewhere in the house. Within this, we saw some hesitation from Gary to want to take out Kevin right now, but also an openness down the road. They both want to get rid of Neda, and Gary seems more intent on taking out Bruno than Karen is.

One interesting trend that we’re starting to notice is that the returning players may be a little too transfixed on taking each other out; if they continue to cannibalize each other, they’re going to run the risk of running into some trouble down the road this season.

For now, be sure to head over here to get some other news from the day (and other days, for that matter) when it comes to Big Brother Canada.

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