‘Saturday Night Live’ preview: On Kristen Stewart, Alessia Cara, Leslie Jones, and height jokes
The latest new episode of “Saturday Night Live” is coming onto NBC this weekend, and all signs point to this one being a fun one. You’ve got Kristen Stewart hosting for the first time, and Alessia Cara joining her as a musical guest. It’s a chance for some ladies to introduce themselves to this particular world, and hopefully have a lot of fun with it in the process.
The video below is the final preview we’ve got for the episode, and it features Stewart and Cara alongside Leslie Jones, who proceeds to make some obvious height jokes about the two women before getting into how relaxed Stewart’s personality is. We feel like the Jones – Stewart pairing is something that you happen often throughout the episode. Kristen’s energy is such that her being at a 10 is probably the equivalent to Leslie being at a 4; therefore, putting her at a 10 and Leslie at a 10 in the same sketch could prove brilliantly funny.
Unfortunately, we don’t get a real sense as to what sort of sketches Stewart is going to engage in based on this alone. We figure that there’ll be a few over the course of the night based on current events, a few others that feature big characters, and maybe a parody here or three. We’d be shocked if there is anything “Twilight” related given that this is 2017, but maybe we’re almost so far removed from the franchise now that there is something fun to be discussed in terms of nostalgia.
As for Cara, we’ll be the first to say that we’re not all that familiar with her music. With that said, she seems like the perfect person to pair with Kristen for the show, and this should give us a pretty high-energy show. We just how that it’s silly, fun, and there aren’t too many political sketches. At this given point in time, it feels more like we could benefit from some escapism.
What do you think about this preview, and do you have any specific hopes for Kristen on the show? Share now in the comments! Also, you can head over here to take a look at the first promo featuring Stewart from this weekend’s show.