‘Teen Wolf’ season 6 spoilers: Show boss on Malia’s journey

Malia -There’s yet another episode of “Teen Wolf” coming up on MTV Tuesday night, and based on early indications that we have, there’s one character in particular who is going to be at the spotlight in one way or another moving forward: Malia. We’ll see a new side of her with Stiles gone, and we’re going to continue to see the writers try some new things now that there is not this personal relationship that they are tethering to her.

In speaking out on this subject further in a new interview with TVLine, here is what show executive producer Jeff Davis had to say about her overall arc to date:

“We wanted to see Malia as a bit of a player. She’s a wild animal, and she has needs of her own. What is she like without Stiles, without that relationship anymore? There were two characters we wanted to see not in a relationship this season, and that was Scott and Malia. It provides a nice new perspective on her and how she’s still learning things about how to act with humans in a human society.”

Maybe we will eventually see some things start to shake up a little bit when it comes to Malia, mostly due to the fact that Stiles will return to the show eventually. The question that comes with that is just what sort of place she personally is going to be in when he comes back. She’ll have moved forward, and we presume that he’ll be different in many ways, as well. It’s not exactly like the two were in the greatest spot ever even when he left given the confession that he made to Lydia.

The biggest thing to remember here is that this show is about more than just romance. It’s about characters who are trying to look towards their future, and figure out the right way to move forward with the remainder of their lives.

To get a preview specifically for Tuesday night’s new “Teen Wolf” episode, all you have to do is head over to the link here right away! (Photo: MTV.)

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