‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: Nominations are in; Justin, Jason’s plan

Whitney -Trying to follow along with everything on “Big Brother: Over the Top” this weekend is pretty insane, and really the only way to make it easier to understand would be for there to be either more than one show a week or at least some further daily recaps. Unfortunately, we’re not really getting either of those right now! This week just remains a complete and utter mess because of all of the different odd scenarios that come into play because of the Power of Veto and America’s nominee … not to mention two Heads of Household in Shelby and Jason.

Here is where we stand right now: Shelby nominated Whitney, while Jason nominated Danielle. Jason clearly got the better of Shelby here in our mind since he and Justin orchestrated much of this so that it would seem like he was coming after Danielle when he wasn’t, deliberately throwing the Ballsmashers off of their game. Meanwhile, Shelby probably further distances herself from Whitney by putting her up, even though she was already distant to begin with. None of this may matter because of what we already mentioned, but the Ballsmashers are getting played pretty darn hard right now.

The problem for the Ballsmashers side is that we’re really not seeing them with the momentum at present. We feel like some of their fans have become lethargic because of the overwhelming social-media popularity of the Misfit fans on social-media, and maybe some of that has drained the fun out of the season for some of them. We give props to the Misfit fans for becoming so unified, especially in their campaign to get Alex on the block this week. At the same time, we admit that we’re also getting a little exhausted with the season right now just because America controls so much that it can screw up good strategic play. We just praised Justin and Jason for what they did, but even if their fans succeed in putting Alex on the block there are still so many crazy scenarios that could unfold where the Misfit fans trying to help their favorite players ends up hurting them, and all this work is for nothing.

Ultimately, we’ll learn America’s nominee tomorrow, and that should give us a better sense of what’s next.

Want more news pertaining to “Big Brother”? Then be sure to head over to the link here without delay! (Photo: CBS.)

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