‘Masters of Sex’ season 4, episode 10 (finale) spoilers: Will Bill, Virginia get married?

Next week marks the season finale of “Masters of Sex” on Showtime, and while we’ve been on a heck of an intense journey to date, we have a feeling that there are even more twists and turns to come. This is a show that often welcomes them with open arms, and prepares you in the process for emotional highs and lows.

For Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson in particular, they’ve certainly been through everything. Their relationship first started through their work at the study, and their secret affair spawned a great deal of chaos and relationship discord. Yet, there’s no question that together, they were able to change the course of thought in the sex study. They went their separate ways personally, but here in the twilight hours of season 4, they’ve come back together.

As we approach the end of the season, we also potentially face a time when the two are going to need each other more than ever due to an ever-changing future around them. They may not have anyone else to rely on beyond one another, and they’ll have to contend with the clinic potentially crumbling all around them. Sometimes, these two are at their best when they are able to rise from the ashes. They’re going to get an opportunity to do just that with the latest bout of adversity.

Synopsis (via TV Guide) – “Season 4 ends with Masters and Johnson working to save the practice from disintegrating in the face of insurrection within the clinic. Meanwhile, Bill and Virginia find solace in one another as everyone in their lives either moves on or falls away.”

We know through history what ends up becoming of Bill and Virginia in the real world, so there is no mystery entering the finale in a will-they-or-won’t-they sense. However, we would still say that there are some question marks from the vantage point of wondering precisely what the emotional ramifications of their relationship are going to be on everyone around them.

Promo – Marriage is the question that is on the midst of all — yet, will it actually happen in this episode? The presence of Dody, who we know Bill does eventually marry, could complicate things.

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