‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Nicole’s pre-Veto study session

Nicole -For those of you out there wondering about when the Veto Competition could take place in the “Big Brother” house, we have our answer: It’s happening! The feeds went out around 1:15 p.m. Big Brother Time, and while we don’t know precisely what the competition is just yet, we do have a good sense of who is the most prepared for it … and their name is Nicole.

There are major advantages that come with being the sole big fan of the show remaining in the house, and the biggest one is that you can anticipate competitions in a way that few others can. Therefore, it’s not much of a shock to see Nicole studying the memory wall like crazy this morning in the event there is a face-morph competition this morning where these images could prove to be important. There is often one late in the game, and she knows that winning the Veto is the primary way to ensure that there is no funny business that happens this week.

Should James know this and study more? Probably, but we figure that for him, it probably wouldn’t look that great to show he was fighting hard for it since he wants Nicole and Corey to think that he trusts their judgment. (Granted, we’re not sure that James of all people is spending that much time thinking this all through in the game.)

There’s still a chance that today’s competition is something different, so we’ll see what happens. We ultimately want to end this particular article with a gripe: Nicole claiming that it’s so much harder playing the game as the last woman standing, but that was OF HER OWN DESIGN.

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