‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: Awaiting the Veto Competition
So far, today in the “Big Brother” house has been incredibly quiet, and even though Paul and Victor may not be altogether pleased about their current fate, the two guys are also self-aware enough to know at this point that there is really not a whole lot that they can do in order to turn things around in a tiny amount of time.
Of course, the Veto Competition today is the one thing that could salvage one of their games for sure, but it’s made all the more complicated by the fact that the two guys still have made very little effort to convince James to try and go with them in the event he wins Veto. This remains one of the two guys’ biggest weaknesses. They’ve remained so frustrated over James voting Victor out over Corey that they haven’t put in the work to let him know that it is better for him to go with them — granted, it’s probably not, but you should at least try!
As for what this competition is, some sort of face-morph guessing-game is a decent possibility since this is typically a Veto you see late in the season. There are likely some other ideas with memory components that the show could put out there. We doubt it will be something overly physical, and while a “how bad do you want it?” challenge would be fun, it’s also pretty darn late in the game for that. If it’s something that requires Paul to shave his beard, though, maybe you live for that TV moment.
Ultimately, everyone should try to win this comp today — even James should if he wants to ensure that Nicole and Corey don’t get any ideas about changing their mind.
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