‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: The final America’s Care Package recipient is…
Warning: The following “Big Brother” story could cause you to want to throw things at the nearest wall. Read on with that in mind.
Apparently, this is what happens when fandoms of various houseguests come together, or at least further evidence that people who are beloved online are not necessarily the same people who are beloved by casual viewers. This is probably why Corey of all people won the final Care Package, which is a bribe that he can use in the game. He can offer someone $5,000 in return for an action that benefits his game; once the deal is made, the contract is binding and the person has to commit that action.
From one standpoint, it’s hard to get too angry about what is a rather useless care package that doesn’t really mean much in the bigger picture of the game other than making Corey and Nicole think that they are beloved.
We’re not going to sit here and say that Paul has been an upstanding citizen for most of the season, but shouldn’t Victor at the very least been more deserving of this than a guy who told a horrible story about what he and his friends did to a goat? We’re typically not for public shaming on TV or anything, but at the same time it feels really embarrassing when CBS doesn’t put something like this on the air and the guy is rewarded with an advantage.
Anyway, we could rant about the goat the rest of the afternoon, but we’ll spare everyone that since we know there are some important stuff going on in the house. For now, know that Michelle remains the target, but Nicole this afternoon has entertained the idea of nominating Paul since Victor, Corey, and her would be able to break the tie.
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August 26, 2016 @ 9:59 pm
Great, give those two all the power this week!!! I voted for Victor!!!