‘The Last Ship’ season 3, episode 10 video: Can Chandler take on the government?
Through much of the third season to date, one of the few comforts that Tom Chandler has been able to depend on during “The Last Ship” is the support of the people back in St. Louis. Michener was a flawed leader, but at the same time it felt very much like his interests were aligned with those of the Nathan James. Following his death and the subsequent political upheaval, we’re now left going into Sunday night’s new episode with flux the likes of which we have not seen to date.
The promo below is ultimately just a tiny sampling of the sort of conflict we anticipate coming to the crew of the Nathan James. Following the invasion at the end of last week, Chandler finds himself in a position where he receives an order that just doesn’t feel right. He has to think on the fly in terms of what he wants to do, but given that he is the show’s representative American hero — and by that we mean that he stands for the ideals most strive for — he’ll probably do the right thing. In turn, that’s the thing that most everyone wants to see him do.
Unfortunately, neither the promo below nor the synopsis from TNT offer up too great an indication as to where the series is going to go to tie all of this up. We just have to do our best to hope that there are some other twists, but ones that may favor our surrounded heroes as they try to destroy potential moles, and restore the country back to a place that works in harmony.
Tomorrow, we’ll be back with a full review. Hopefully, you deem that worthy of checking out!
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